Then Cubex had to go off early due to work. me and the rest went off from Warisan Square (its a new shopping area...pretty okay la I say the design of the building) to Center Point next door. Wanted to have ice-cream but then we decided to walk around 1st so our stomachs get comfy 1st with our lunch. Haha...window shopping is fun.....*glares to self* but very tiring yes.
Got some stuff too...but lazy to post it up lars...after all that walking and seeing the two sisters do Para Para Paradise...then the ice-cream was a treat for our tiredness. Hehe...I took Honey Crunch...oh boy yummeh. I noticed one of my juniors there from religion studies. Haha..he doesn't believe I'm in form 5 actually. (he is form 4) He thought I was same form as him...and I said no way man. Not at all..I was the 'big sister' in class. The rest all I really look like I'm younger than I am? ...or maybe its because of the way I act...darn.
Oh and we took Neo Prints to finish the day...or purikura in its own original term. Enjoy the dorkness.
I seriously love the 3rd picture. It totally rules as we were kinda acting..haha.

Okay..I guess i better get going. I'm feeling stinkeh...belum mandi.
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