guh...went out wif Dizzy and Mavis (another new friend to wow okay) to Wisma look for some presents for a friend of theirs. Haha... Apparently also went to do some bit of window shopping and all seeing clothes and stuff. All in all we were practically talking nonsense (Mavis and me) and Dizzy being all damn blur.
I kinda lent her 3 of my mags (yeah in previous post you will see) so yeah a run down on the clothes and such. =D pretty much we were spazzing on the clothes and all haha..!! So heres some funny notes to place down...I realize that
- Eventhough I'm not doing gothic lolita/ama lolita/any kinds of lolita...I still tend to get suggestions from certain friends on what to put and what to wear..weird rite?(and they are kinda like hoping or rather threatening me to at least try to get one lolita outfit...)
- I prefer dressing people up rather than me dressing myself up
- I can admit I'm not that pretty neither ugly...its just that I had to learn how to love myself in terms of 'being a narcissist'.
- I'm not an active and staunch fan of jrock/jpop/kpop I'm pretty much behind the line all the time.
- I tend to give out too much ideas sometimes I run dry for myself....geez ahahaha
- I'm more of a classic lolita/neo gothic lolita/casual gothic lolita/punk lolita /elegant lolita sort of person...ahaha...XD yes there ARE genres...and it counts wa-loli too! REALLY CONFUSING!
I'll go emo about this later. I've been reading too much gay stories....and smut stuff on Yuffie x Vincent. I may need to take my driving course next week like homg...yay for cars. Haha...
oh lookie! this is me without all those gunk and makeup
p.s: This is due to fangirling on 동방신기 (Dong Bang Shin Ki) too much...since like stated...they ARE coming to KL I said in the previous post...oh screw it..XD hahaha
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