Sunday, March 4, 2007


Yes you heard me!

I finally got my hands on my OWN LAPTOP! (If you count the Hyundai out lars that one super heavy man..4kgs) and woot meet my NEW BABY!

Yah owner sempat 'berposing' with MacBook.
Yes people I've a tendency to multitask XD so basically I was like just have to 'accept the fact my dad is the one who wanted to buy it for me' so...yeah. (sheesh I know I'm a spoiled brat but then again this is best for the course I wanna yeah)

...*cough cough*

XD I'm still learning how to use the mac since well...theres no left click or right click...only one click. Hmm...getting confusing aye. And SQUIGGLY button!! XD hahaha

usually its CTRL+V (or X or A or C) now its SQUIGGLY button+V (and the rest lol). Gahh....I'm doomed..XD

Hey least its super geng mah.

~ 连小凤


SR215 said...

It's white!!!!

I want that!!!!!

Mas Light said...

wooooooo~~~ new toy...woo~~~~ wuahhh~~ so kewl~~~

super kewl~~~~