Monday, March 19, 2007

[TAG] "5 reasons why you blog"

...Apparently I was "tagged" by Adz (cilakak la wei..D: )

okie...since then I can't run away from...well.. I don't know how many people will read this anyways.

  1. Its my blog. I write what I do in my daily life. Sometimes its short reports on outings/meetups. It can be personal or just a daily rant.
  2. I tend to find blogging seriously amusing as I have like 123456Idon'tknowhowmuchblogsI'vemade. No...liek seriously.
  3. Life is interesting once in a while. I sometimes would just go online to blog about something or someone. Well depending how you wanna say it.
  4. I'm trying to keep myself sane enough to keep my perverse mind at bay. (Be thankfull that I stopped at the temptation to write gay stories instead)
  5. ...Personally I will occasionally rant out random topics. I'm known to be random.
Being nice as usual....I don't alway tag people.. but I will tag two people I know personally.

Shinyi and Kero :D !!

P.S: I saw Julian in Damai...XD I could have run off with your wife!! j/k


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